Peter Crim, Executive Director
Peter’s wide ranging experience includes, high school English teacher, technical writer, broadcast engineer, and entrepreneur in the field of digital communications. After many years in the world of high tech start-ups, his love of wooden boats, natural inclination to teach and his need for hands on activity, Peter spent a summer semester taking classes at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, ME. He returned to Portland intent on spreading the joy and life altering experience of building wooden boats, founding Wind & Oar in June 2011. Peter holds an A.B. from the University of California, Berkeley. Peter grew up sailing the coast of southern New England, from Mystic, CT, to Nantucket, in a 34’ Alden sloop built in the ‘40’s and has plenty of experience scraping, sanding, and painting. He also taught sailing for many summers and introduced clients to sailing on a Shields class one design. While racing has never been a driving force, he did crew in the Ensign Nationals on one occasion. Peter views sailing in particular, and being on the water in general, as an experience of unity with the environment and an opportunity to show respect for the elements.