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2020 Impact Report Now Available

Cover of 2020 Impact Report

Download Our 2020 Impact Report

Our 2020 Impact Report celebrates 10 years of building boats with kids, and of course, building kids with boats. Take a look at all we've navigated so far on this voyage. 

It's Bigger Than the Boat

Our work is powered by the belief that all children are capable of learning and thriving. Experiential, hands-on, project based education is essential for engaging and inspiring students.

There is so much left to do to transform our education system so that all youth can be the builders of their own lives.

Wind & Oar Boat School is dedicated to making that transformation a reality.

After 10 years, we’ve done more than build boats, we’ve built thinkers, innovators, and dreamers.

In that time, we’ve worked with:

  • 26 schools and youth serving organizations to hold
  • 68 projects that impacted over
  • 2,400 youth

Click Here to Download our 2020 Impact Report!