One week into Wind & Oar’s 3rd annual fundraiser, and things are going surprisingly well. Launching a call for support in the midst of one of Oregon’s worst natural disasters with friends and family facing inexplicable loss, in the midst of the covid pandemic, and
the deeply toxic unhealthy smoke would appear foolish if not callous. And yet our instincts compelled us to stay the course…we’d planned this as a light hearted but serious invitation to join us in exploring why and how community partners engage with W&O to bring meaningful experiential education to our local kids. How fun we thought, to simply make a root beer float in social distanced safety of home, sit back, enjoy the floats while hearing from some wonderfully articulate folks on why Wind & Oar is bigger than the boat! Intended as a respite, even, among the daily onslaught of Covid news and much needed attention on social justice.
We did “stay the course*”, we are still on it, messaging new and old friends alike with the underlying message that now more than ever our children deserve the best opportunities to learn the skills to problem solve; And to embrace the reality that they have the capacity to learn these skills and that they truly can solve problems, (the minor day to day, and the serious life impacting ones, each of them will face as they inherit the world). We owe it to them to do all we can, in small steps and in big ways to guide them to discover their strength, their dreams and their ability to become active citizens in the world.
W&O engages young people ages 9-22, (and indeed some adults as well (see ROSIE & Doinean St Ayles Skiffs) and inspires lifelong learning through the art, science, and craft of building wooden boats. Whether its designing new solutions to living sustainably on this planet we call home, discovering the ways to circumvent virus infections, or leading their peers and elders toward equity, kids need to know “they can.” We thank you for your part in fulfilling this mission.
Check back in soon….we are moving forward, with exciting programming with PCC and our K-12 school partners.
for more on the fundraiser, click Donate